Media Enquiries

We love to hear from members of the media who are interested in learning more about Cashblack and our mission to support Black-owned businesses. If you're a journalist or reporter, please feel free to get in touch with us for interviews, quotes, or any other media-related enquiries.

What We Offer

Explore our comprehensive research findings and statistical data: Our commitment to empowering the Black community extends beyond our products and services. We believe in the power of data and research to drive meaningful change. Our research team has dedicated extensive efforts to gather insights, trends, and statistics that shed light on various aspects of the Black business landscape, consumer behavior, and economic empowerment.
Our commitment to data-driven insights ensures that we make informed decisions and develop strategies that uplift Black entrepreneurs and communities.

Addressing Societal Issues

At Cashblack, we understand that addressing social, economic, and other pertinent Black issues is integral to our mission. Our initiatives are not solely aimed at financial gains but also at fostering positive societal change. We are committed to leveraging our research findings and partnerships to make a difference where it matters most.

Community Engagement: We actively engage with Black communities to understand their unique challenges and needs. Through town hall meetings, surveys, and partnerships with grassroots organizations, we aim to be a responsive and supportive ally.
Economic Empowerment: Our partnerships with Black-owned businesses are designed to create economic opportunities. We believe that when these businesses thrive, the entire community benefits.
Advocacy: We use our platform to advocate for policies and practices that promote equality and equity. We actively engage with policymakers and advocate for changes that benefit the Black community.
Collaborate With Us: We believe that the best solutions often emerge through collaboration. If you are a researcher, advocate, or organization working towards the betterment of Black communities, we welcome your ideas and proposals for collaboration.

Press Kit

Contact us to download our press kit for high-resolution logos, product images, and other brand assets. Our press kit includes:

  • Cashblack logo
  • Product screenshots
  • Product videos
  • Team bios
  • And more!

Contact Information

If you have a media enquiry, please contact us at:

About Cashblack

Cashblack is a platform that connects consumers with Black-owned businesses, making it easy and convenient to support local communities. We're on a mission to promote economic equality and empower Black entrepreneurs by driving traffic to their businesses and helping them grow.

In the News

Check out some of the recent media coverage we've received: